Chapter Twenty-One: Tetris MASTER

We have all been there. You have a ton of stuff that you need to pack in a little space. Sometimes it is trying to pack up the dinner food in the smallest number of bags while using the smallest bags you can find. That is the beginner level. Then there is the next level. You are going to move soon so you start packing your belongings into boxes. This is where strategy comes in. Books, cd’s and DVDs usually get put in the same box due to their shape. Then you have binders, notebooks, folders, and loose papers that either get thrown into a backpack or a box. This is definitely harder than packing up dinner, but it isn’t controversial.

Controversial packing is packing for a vacation. How do you fold your clothes? Do you individually fold each shirt? Do you stack them on each other then fold? Are you a roller? Does your suitcase look like a big stack of taquitos because you individually roll each shirt or does it look like a couple of big burrito’s because you roll a stack of shirts? Personally, I have a big suitcase full of burritos. It is the only way I see everything fit. So now that everything is packed up, we are on to the biggest challenge of all, packing the car!

The car is easily the hardest thing to pack, You have boxes that fit nicely together except for the fact that the inside of your car is slightly rounded so you feel bad wasting those spaces. Then there is the suitcases that aren’t perfectly fitting together so you go an throw the blanket you were bring on top of them because you can stuff it between the cracks. Then there is the big furniture if you are moving. There really is no way pack such things without wasting precious space. I have become a master at playing Tetris in my car and have proven it today. I packed an end table, bedside table, two king side pillows, multiple blankets, 6 boxes, a mop, broom, and a mop bucket in the back of my small SUV with still enough room to fit three people. This being said, I think that this trip tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun. Especially when I am able to unpack and let watch the belongings I have so artfully crammed into a car sprawl out into my new apartment. 🙂